Viết tắt liên quan đến các tổ chức giáo dục
Sau đây là những từ viết tắt thông dụng của tổ chức giáo dục thế giới
- AGCAS: Associate of Graduate Careers Advisory Services
- AHRC: Arts and Humanities Research Council
- AHUA: Association of Heads of University Administration
- AMOSSHE: Association of Managers of Student Services in Higher Education
- AP: Alternative (HE) provider
- ARC: Academic Registrars Council
- ARMA: Association of Research Managers & Administrators
- AUDE: Association of University Directors of Estates
- BBSRC: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- BERR: The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (2007-2009)
- BIS: The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2009-2016)
- BTEC: Business and Technician Education Council
- BUFDG: British Universities Finance Directors Group
- CMA: Competition and Markets Authority
- CAH: Common Aggregation Hierarchy
- CAPD: Continuing academic and professional development
- CPD: Continuing professional development
- DBEIS: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
- DCSF: The Department for Children, Schools and Families (2007-2010)
- DfES: The Department for Education and Skills (2001-2007)
- DEL(NI): The Department for Employment and Learning (Northern Ireland) (1999-2016)
- DfE: Department for Education
- DfE(NI): The Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
- DLHE: Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education
- LDLHE: Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal Survey
- Long DLHE: Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal Survey
- DipHE: Diploma of Higher Education
- EBacc: English Baccalaureate
- ECU: Equality Challenge Unit
- ESFA: Education and Skills Funding Agency
- EFA: Education Funding Agency (2010-2016)
- ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council
- ELWa: Education and Training Wales (2000-2006)
- EPSCR: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council
- EMR: Estates Management Record for Higher Education Providers
- FEC: Further education college (fEC can also refer to full economic costing)
- FPE: Full-person equivalent
- FTE: Full-time equivalent
- GTC: General Teaching Council
- HE-BCI: Higher Education - Business and Community Interaction
- HECoS: Higher Education Classification of Subjects
- HECSU: Higher Education Careers Service Unit
- HEDIIP: Higher Education Data and Information Improvement Programme
- HEFCE: Higher Education Funding Council for England (1992-2018)
- HEFCW: Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
- HEI: Higher education institution
- HEP: Higher education provider
- heidi: Higher Education Information Database for Institutions (replaced by Heidi Plus, which is not an acronym)
- HEPISG: HE Public Information Steering Group
- HERA: Higher Education and Research Act 2017
- HESA: Higher Education Statistics Agency
- HESPA: Higher Education Strategic Planners' Association
- HNC: Higher National Certification
- HND: Higher National Diploma
- ITT: Initial Teacher Training
- Jisc: Joint Information Systems Committee (note: while Jisc was originally an acronym, they no longer use the expanded title)
- JACS: Joint Academic Coding System
- KIS: Key Information Set
- LSC: Learning and Skills Council (2001-2010)
- MBA: Master of Business Administration
- MRC: Medical Research Council
- MOOC: Massive Open Online Course
- NAW: National Assembly for Wales
- NAO: National Audit Office
- NCTL: National College for Teaching and Leadership
- NVQ: National Vocational Qualification
- NERC: Natural Environmental Research Council
- NHS: National Health Service
- NSS: National Student Survey
- OECD: The Organisation for Economic Co-operative and Development
- OFFA: Office for Fair Access
- OfS: Office for Students
- ONS: The Office for National Statistics
- OSI: Office of Science and Innovation (2006-2007)
- OST: Office of Science and Technology (1992-2006)
- OU: The Open University
- PI: Performance Indicators
- PGCE: Postgraduate Certificate in Education
- QCA: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
- QTS: Qualified Teacher Status
- QAA: Quality Assurance Agency
- RCUK: Research Councils UK
- REF: Research Excellence Framework
- STFC: Science and Technology Facilities Council
- SFC: Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council
- SIC: Standard Industrial Classification
- SME: Small and Medium Economy
- SOC: Standard Occupational Classification
- SFA: Skills Funding Agency
- SFR: Statistical First Release
- SLC: Student Loans Company
- SPA: Supporting Professionalism in Admissions
- SRHE: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
- SROC: Student Record Officers' Conference
- TA: Teaching Agency
- TDA: Training and Development Agency for Schools (2005-2012)
- TEF: Teaching Excellence Framework
- UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (note: while UCAS was originally an acronym, they no longer use the expanded title)
- UCEA: Universities & Colleges Employers Association
- UCISA: Universities & Colleges Information Systems Association
- UHR: Universities Human Resources
- UKCES: UK Commission for Employment and Skills
- UKPRN: UK Provider Reference Number
- UKRLP: UK Register of Learning Providers
- UUK: Universities UK.